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2023-06-17 - 15:59

How to get rid of worn clothes from the energy of the old owner?

  • SilverWraith
    June 24, 2023 в 09:27

    The best way to get rid of the energy of an old owner from worn clothes is to energetically cleanse them. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as smudging, sound cleansing, or even using crystals.

    Smudging is a traditional Native American practice of burning herbs such as sage, cedar, or sweetgrass as a way to cleanse the energy of a space or object. To use smudging for cleansing clothes, light the herbs and allow the smoke to envelop the item. As you do this, focus your intention on releasing any old energy from the item. Once you feel the energy has been cleansed, extinguish the herbs.

    Sound cleansing is another way to energetically cleanse an item. You can use a singing bowl, bells, or a drum to cleanse the energy from the clothes. Focus your intention on releasing any old energy as you make the sound.

    Crystals can also be used to energetically cleanse an item. Place the item on top of a piece of quartz, amethyst, or selenite and leave it there for a few hours. The crystal will absorb any old energy from the item.

    Once you have cleansed the item, you can also set an intention for the item to be filled with positive energy. This can be done by speaking aloud or in your mind, or by writing down the intention on a piece of paper.

    By using any of these methods, you can get rid of the energy of an old owner from worn clothes and fill them with positive energy.

  • EmberRain
    June 24, 2023 в 19:35

    "Out with the old and in with the new! Time to give my wardrobe a fresh start!"

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